
15 links 更新时间 Sun Jul 28 09:20:12 2019

  1. abhat222/Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet
    内容简介 Cheat Sheets

    技术语言 star总数目 8,379 star目前数字 64 stars today

  2. dsgiitr/d2l-pytorch
    内容简介 This is an attempt to modify Dive into Deep Learning, Berkeley STAT 157 (Spring 2019) textbook's code into PyTorch.

    技术语言 Jupyter Notebook star总数目 245 star目前数字 73 stars today

  3. hexway/apple_bleee
    内容简介 Apple BLE research

    技术语言 Python star总数目 268 star目前数字 58 stars today

  4. OakwoodAI/Automagica
    内容简介 🤖 Open Source (Smart) Robotic Process Automation

    技术语言 Python star总数目 1,313 star目前数字 44 stars today

  5. rwightman/pytorch-image-models
    内容简介 PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- (SE)ResNet/ResNeXT, DPN, EfficientNet, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2/V1, MNASNet, Single-Path NAS, FBNet, and more

    技术语言 Python star总数目 1,003 star目前数字 28 stars today

  6. ardanlabs/gotraining
    内容简介 Go Training Class Material :

    技术语言 Go star总数目 5,054 star目前数字 77 stars today

  7. facebookresearch/Detectron
    内容简介 FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.

    技术语言 Python star总数目 21,224 star目前数字 16 stars today

  8. tc39/proposals
    内容简介 Tracking ECMAScript Proposals

    技术语言 star总数目 8,227 star目前数字 22 stars today

  9. seven332/EhViewer
    内容简介 An Unofficial E-Hentai Application for Android

    技术语言 Java star总数目 3,915 star目前数字 19 stars today

  10. pingcap/talent-plan
    内容简介 PingCAP training courses

    技术语言 Rust star总数目 2,799 star目前数字 19 stars today

  11. sequelize/sequelize
    内容简介 An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js

    技术语言 JavaScript star总数目 19,398 star目前数字 22 stars today

  12. RhinoSecurityLabs/AWS-IAM-Privilege-Escalation
    内容简介 A centralized source of all AWS IAM privilege escalation methods released by Rhino Security Labs.

    技术语言 star总数目 160 star目前数字 76 stars today

  13. k88hudson/git-flight-rules
    内容简介 Flight rules for git

    技术语言 star总数目 30,309 star目前数字 26 stars today

  14. gin-gonic/gin
    内容简介 Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

    技术语言 Go star总数目 29,628 star目前数字 69 stars today

  15. marcinguy/CVE-2019-2107
    内容简介 CVE-2019-2107

    技术语言 star总数目 190 star目前数字 20 stars today