
15 links 更新时间 Thu Mar 5 09:20:15 2020

  1. ctgk/PRML
    内容简介 PRML algorithms implemented in Python

    技术语言 Jupyter Notebook star总数目 star目前数字 401 stars today

  2. alexeygrigorev/data-science-interviews
    内容简介 Data science interview questions and answers

    技术语言 star总数目 star目前数字 122 stars today

  3. abhat222/Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet
    内容简介 Cheat Sheets

    技术语言 TeX star总数目 star目前数字 128 stars today

  4. labuladong/fucking-algorithm
    内容简介 手把手撕LeetCode题目,扒各种算法套路的裤子,not only how,but also why. English version supported!

    技术语言 star总数目 star目前数字 1,046 stars today

  5. Rapiz1/DungeonRush
    内容简介 👾🐍 A game inspired by Snake, written in pure C with SDL

    技术语言 C star总数目 star目前数字 95 stars today

  6. CSSEGISandData/COVID-19
    内容简介 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE

    技术语言 star总数目 star目前数字 451 stars today

  7. google/fuzzbench
    内容简介 FuzzBench - Fuzzer benchmarking as a service.

    技术语言 Python star总数目 star目前数字 71 stars today

  8. Shpota/goxygen
    内容简介 Generate a modern Web project with Go, Angular/React/Vue, and MongoDB in seconds🚀

    技术语言 Go star总数目 star目前数字 103 stars today

  9. hashicorp/terraform
    内容简介 Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.

    技术语言 Go star总数目 star目前数字 28 stars today

  10. thomasp85/ggplot2_workshop
    内容简介 Material for "Drawing Anything with ggplot2" workshop

    技术语言 star总数目 star目前数字 23 stars today

  11. mike-goodwin/owasp-threat-dragon-desktop
    内容简介 An installable desktop variant of OWASP Threat Dragon

    技术语言 CSS star总数目 star目前数字 40 stars today

  12. philc/vimium
    内容简介 The hacker's browser.

    技术语言 CoffeeScript star总数目 star目前数字 69 stars today

  13. AobingJava/JavaFamily
    内容简介 【互联网一线大厂面试+学习指南】进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务等领域知识,作者风格幽默,看起来津津有味,把学习当做一种乐趣,何乐而不为,后端同学必看,前端同学我保证你也看得懂,看不懂你加我微信骂我渣男就好了。

    技术语言 star总数目 star目前数字 148 stars today

  14. David-Else/modern-typescript-with-examples-cheat-sheet
    内容简介 Fully printable summary of modern TypeScript language features with extensive examples to help you learn

    技术语言 star总数目 star目前数字 114 stars today

  15. ShiqiYu/libfacedetection
    内容简介 An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS.

    技术语言 C++ star总数目 star目前数字 69 stars today