
15 links 更新时间 Sat Dec 12 09:20:13 2020

  1. camtheperson/get-my-ps5
    内容简介 A CLI utility to help people secure a PlayStation 5 (PS5).

    技术语言 JavaScript star总数目 144 star目前数字 64 stars today

  2. microsoft/qlib
    内容简介 Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. With Qlib, you can easily try your ideas to create better Quant investment strategies.

    技术语言 Python star总数目 1,831 star目前数字 359 stars today

  3. Netflix/consoleme
    内容简介 ConsoleMe consolidates the management of multiple AWS accounts into a single interface. It allows your end-users and administrators to get credentials for your different accounts, and allows your users/administrators to manage or request cloud permissions.

    技术语言 Python star总数目 298 star目前数字 150 stars today

  4. thanos-io/thanos
    内容简介 Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.

    技术语言 Go star总数目 7,231 star目前数字 121 stars today

  5. lensapp/lens
    内容简介 Lens - The Kubernetes IDE

    技术语言 TypeScript star总数目 10,485 star目前数字 233 stars today

  6. mapbox/mapbox-gl-js
    内容简介 Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL

    技术语言 JavaScript star总数目 6,834 star目前数字 153 stars today

  7. Alamofire/Alamofire
    内容简介 Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift

    技术语言 Swift star总数目 34,938 star目前数字 43 stars today

  8. cypress-io/cypress
    内容简介 Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.

    技术语言 JavaScript star总数目 25,402 star目前数字 304 stars today

  9. angular/angular.js
    内容简介 AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!

    技术语言 JavaScript star总数目 59,578 star目前数字 27 stars today

  10. rails/rails
    内容简介 Ruby on Rails

    技术语言 Ruby star总数目 47,139 star目前数字 30 stars today

  11. facontidavide/PlotJuggler
    内容简介 The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.

    技术语言 C++ star总数目 1,745 star目前数字 121 stars today

  12. minhealthnz/nzcovidtracer-app
    内容简介 This is the repository for the front-end of the NZ COVID Tracer app.

    技术语言 TypeScript star总数目 228 star目前数字 77 stars today

  13. benawad/vsinder
    内容简介 Dating App for VSCode

    技术语言 TypeScript star总数目 617 star目前数字 170 stars today

  14. linkedin/school-of-sre
    内容简介 At LinkedIn, we are using this curriculum for onboarding our entry level talents into the SRE role.

    技术语言 HTML star总数目 3,063 star目前数字 576 stars today

  15. sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi
    内容简介 Code. Music. Live.

    技术语言 Ruby star总数目 7,273 star目前数字 302 stars today